How to quickly make money on youtube with zero subscribers

Hey everyone my name is Shailesh and you are reading my blog website Today in this article I will tell you that if you are a video content creator or want to become one then obviously this article is very useful for you because in this article I will tell you that if you start the work of video content creation and in the beginning you do not have any subscribers on the channel and there is no video, yet if you want to earn money then how can you earn money even with zero subscribers.

If you want to become a content creator in video content creation, then obviously now you will also think about earning money, and how to earn money for content. If you create videos on any platform and publish them and you have subscribers on your channel and the video is getting views, then you know how to earn money.

But there are no subscribers on your channel, you are opening the channel from the very beginning and you want to earn money from there, so in this article on How to quickly make money on YouTube with zero subscribers, you will read about all those methods, here I will tell you how to earn money from the very beginning when you have 0 subscribers.

Whenever you go to start content creation, then you will not have any money and you will also spend money in content creation and your survival will also come to the fore, so at such a time you will start earning your money from these methods.

1) Physical or Digital Goods Selling

Here, what I am telling you first is physical goods or digital goods, whenever you are starting the work of video content creation and from the day you are making videos, it means that you want to earn money from your first video itself, so whatever physical or digital goods you have in that video, you can sell it through this content, in the video you are making, you have to promote those goods for selling. If someone wants to buy your physical or digital goods through video, then you start earning money through video on the same day, so this is a very good method.

2) Podcast

Now I will tell you the second method, which is a podcast, Podcasts are such a way of earning money, whenever you think about podcasts, you can start earning money through video content from that very moment. If you have zero subscribers but convince a client to the podcast, then you can charge him for podcast video service for the podcast and this is a very effective and good method to start the initial money of a podcast from the very beginning or with zero subscribers.

3) Banner Ad

The third method that I am telling you is a banner ad, so in your offline market, in whichever niche you want to create content or have started, you can start earning money by talking to any company or brand related to that niche for a banner ad and by signing a contract of a banner ad for a month or a year.

4) Brand Promotion 

Similarly, the fourth method is to promote the video of any business brand or company through video content. You can start earning money through video promotion by looking for clients to promote your video content, by cold calling or email marketing, or by personal meeting with them and talking about your content and channel. You can do this video promotion in whatever way you like.

5) Promote self Profession, Service or Business

The last method that I will tell you is very useful and very effective for earning money and it is very good for promoting your business or any service you can provide through this content if you are a professional in any field or a service provider or whatever business you have, you start promoting it from the first day itself, you start earning. This method is a very special and effective method for almost every professional or businessman.

So, guys, there are many other small methods like this, but the one I have told you is very useful and effective, which helps you to earn money from the very beginning even if you have zero subscribers.

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